
«Ozenmunaigaz» JSC
1. Within the framework of the agreement, pilot tests of special internal coatings of Hilong tubing against corrosion and abrasion have been successfully carried out. Currently, these services are provided on an industrial scale.
2. Pilot tests of special Hilong internal coatings against corrosion and abrasion for linear pipes D-114 mm of the injection well stock are carried out.

«Mangistaumunaigaz» JSC
1. Successful pilot tests of special internal coatings of Hilong tubing against corrosion and abrasion. Currently, these services are provided on an industrial scale.
2. Successful pilot tests of special Hilong internal coatings against corrosion and abrasion for linear pipes D-159, 219 and 325 mm of the reservoir pressure maintenance system. Currently, these services are provided on an industrial scale.
3. Gas pumping compressor unit rental services for PU «Kalamkasmunaigas».

«Urikhtau Operating» LLC
Organization of design and manufacture, supply, installation supervision and commissioning of «Gas drying plants».

«Embamunaigas» JSC
1. The company developed the design and estimate documentation and carried out the supply and construction and installation works for the GPPP at the "Gran" field, executing the project on a turnkey basis.
2. Work on the processing of electricity production from associated petroleum gas from the «Gran» field of NGDU «Zhaiykmunaigas».
3. Maintenance services for gas piston installations and compressors.

«Kazakhoil Aktobe»
1. Within the framework of the contract with «Kazakhoil Aktobe» LLC, the supply of propane-chlodagent of the R 290 brand was realized. The product was delivered and pumped into the system of the associated petroleum gas processing plant on a monthly basis in accordance with the work schedule.
2. Maintenance services for gas piston installations and compressors.

«Altyntau Kokshetau» LLC
By order of «Altyntau Kokshetau», the largest gold mining company in Kazakhstan, we applied and put into operation Alfa Laval heat exchange equipment at the customer's industrial site.

«Intergas Central Asia» JSC
Gas heating equipment (preheating furnaces, shut-off devices) was supplied to the BMTO UMG of Uralsk, «Intergas Central Asia» JSC. The gas heater is used to heat petroleum, associated, artificial and natural gases that do not contain aggressive impurities to a set temperature.

«KazGPZ» (Kazakh Gas Refinery, LLC)
Within the framework of the agreement, the supply of Ethanolamine (Monoethanolamine) produced by «Sintez OKA» LLC for the production needs of «Kazakh Gas Refinery» was realized. The laboratory analysis carried out by the Customer's laboratory during the delivery of the product confirmed the highest quality of Monoethanolamine.