
Horizontal pumping system

Horizontal pumping system

The HPS consists of a horizontal electric centrifugal pump, mounted on a metal frame, mounted with an asynchronous explosion-proof electric motor, a clutch, a receiving chamber, and an unloading thrust assembly. Depending on the configuration, the HPS may additionally include a cooling system, flexible inlet and outlet hoses, pipe strapping with a filtration system and check valves.

Purpose: designed for pumping water into wells in order to maintain reservoir pressure of oil fields.

Advantages of HPS:

1. The high efficiency of the pump is more than 68% and the MCI is 2-3 times greater than sectional centrifugal pumps (SCP) type analog pumps, the ability to control the injection rate and pressure in a wide range, as well as smooth start and stop of the SCP.

2. Flexibility of the system – when dismantling or installing the pumping section, we can accordingly change the performance and pressure of the unit on site, at no additional cost.

3. They are easy to maintain, since the entire installation is located on a frame with lodgments and the sections can be easily dismantled, do not require a reinforced foundation, and the vibration level is 3-4 times lower than SCP type analag pumps.

4. The HPS is a completely closed system that excludes any leakage of the pumped reservoir fluid into the modular cluster pump station (MCPS) engine room or to the open area where the installation is located.

Technical description

The composition of the pumped liquid in accordance with the parameters set by the manufacturer in the environment of fresh, wastewater and reservoir oilfield waters:

Specific gravity:

range: 1.05 – 1.18 g/cm3.

Characteristics of associated water:



from +5o to +80o С


1,6 cSt

At 15o С


Hydrogen factor:

5.4 – 7.5

Total dissolved solids:

60,000 – 250,000mg/l

(Mineralization) Dissolved gases (mg/l):






Water ions (mg/l):














Petroleum products

50-200 mg/l

Suspended solids content:

50-200 mg/l


Up to 300 microns (average 200 microns).

Horizontal pumping unit

The pumping section made of niresist alloy is located on the unit. The section is corrosion—resistant - it ensures the injection of water from the earth's surface into the reservoir.

A specialized three-phase asynchronous electric motor with reinforced bearings provides the pump drive. The nominal speed of the engine in the operation mode of the HPS is 3000 rpm (50Hz).

The thrust chamber (unloading unit) is designed to remove axial loads, back pressure transmitted from the pumping section to the shaft of the electric motor.

The mounting frame is designed to accommodate HPS nodes on it, ensures their alignment and reliable fastening.

The coupling is an elastic compensation coupling connecting the shaft of the electric motor to the shaft of the thrust chamber and closed with a protective casing.

The management system

At the customer's request, the control system can be equipped with soft-start frequency converters with a control unit (controller) from leading world manufacturers with multi-stage protections for various parameters (current, voltage, cos f, power, imbalance), with a instrumentation system with duplicate sensors at important nodes of the unit.

The control system is made on the basis of a microprocessor controller with modules supporting the HART protocol, allows you to enter the parameters of the operation of the HPS into memory and transmit it via the RS-485 or Ethernet interface, includes a frequency converter. With its help, it is possible to maintain the operation of pumping units in the zone of maximum efficiency, which means minimum energy consumption. The control system is made in a single cabinet, which allows the installation to be operated at temperatures from -40C to +45C.

It should be noted that the frequency converter operates on the principle of PID regulation, i.e. it adjusts itself to the load in such a way that provides an optimal balance of active and reactive power consumption.

The frequency converter provides a safe smooth start and stop of the pumping unit, protects the motor from high current loads, eliminates the possibility of sudden shock mechanical loads on the shaft and thrust chamber of the pump, smoothes the disadvantages of the mains power supply of technological installations.

The instrumentation and control system, working in conjunction with the management system, ensures the operation of protections in case of deviation of technological parameters from the permitted range and control of the flow rate of the pumped liquid, vibration of the pumping station, temperature of the pumping sections, the unloading unit, pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pumping station and in the cooling system.

The control system with frequency converters can be placed in a separate room of the MCPS, with all necessary equipment and equipment for maximum comfort and safety during operation.

Hydraulic (pipe) strapping of the HPS:

The composition of the supply pipeline at the entrance to each pumping unit includes: rotary valves, fine filters with a filter element cell diameter of 0.9 mm. (1-working, 1-backup), located one above the other to clean the filter element without stopping the pumping unit, a flow meter, drainage taps to ensure the discharge of liquid from the pipeline, if necessary, a sampler, as well as places for installing instrumentation elements.

The pressure pipeline consists of: check valves for each pumping unit, a gate valve for each pumping unit, as well as places for installing instrumentation elements.

At the request of the customer, the HPS can be equipped with an inlet and outlet flexible sleeve. This facilitates the commissioning of the HPS (installation and dismantling of the pumping unit and pipe strapping). Creates the possibility of flexible regulation when placing the HPS.

Complete set with a block-box

At the request of the customer, the HPS can be located in the MCPS. The MCPS is a custom-made Block-box (modular building, on a rigid frame, with a load-bearing capacity of 600 kg/m2). The block box consists of dimensions of no more than 10000x2500x3000 (LxSxH) mm, the total weight of the entire MCPS together with the entire strapping is no more than 12 tons.

In the process rooms there are gates and a door that opens outwards, which has a mortise lock, a seal and a self-closing door closer. For the convenience of installation and dismantling of GNC units, the block box is equipped with monorails g/p 2t. The block box has technological openings in the walls equipped for supplying supply and pressure pipelines, power cables, as well as free passages for installation and dismantling of the pumping unit and other equipment. Category of premises for explosion and fire hazard "D" according to NPB 105-03.

The block box consists of a load-bearing metal frame and enclosing structures (coating panels, wall panels and a base) – a "sandwich" type with non-flammable insulation profiled sheet. Wall panels are three–layer, consisting of 2 profiled sheets, 0.7 mm thick with a polymer coating and a layer of mineral wool insulation based on thin basalt fiber.

All rooms are equipped with ventilation, heating, power supply, fire alarm and gas pollution alarm. Vandal-proof blinds are installed on the windows.

The ventilation system in the room of the pumping station is a natural exhaust from the upper zone of the room, designed for a single air exchange and a mechanical exhaust of periodic action, designed to remove 8 times the volume of air from the lower zone by the total volume of the room. Turning on the mechanical exhaust ventilation from the gas analyzers when 20% of the lower explosion limit is reached, manually outside the building at the entrance doors. The equipment of mechanical ventilation systems must be explosion-proof.

The heating system ensures that the set room temperature is maintained automatically. Heating by heat guns with a temperature controller.

The fire alarm system has a light and sound warning alarm, indicates the smoke content of the room, an increase in temperature above the set one. The block box has three powder fire extinguishers of the OP-4 brand in stands.

The lighting of the premises meets the requirements of the regulations. Splash-proof LED lamps are used as lighting devices. The illumination level in the process unit is at least 150 lux. The block box provides emergency lighting with an illumination level of at least 5lk, equipped with an autonomous power supply of 12 V. This ensures that the lamp switches to battery power when the main power supply disappears. The package includes a rechargeable flashlight.

In the state of supply, the HPS are located indoors, with a mounted receiving and switch-off valves and all necessary wiring of electrics and instrumentation. The control systems, as well as the pumping units, were tested on a test bench at the time of delivery. The piping and process lines have been hydraulically tested.

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